Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lawn Care

Basic Lawn Care 101

I. Listen

  1. Listen to the weather. Listen to the grass. Listen to the weeds. Monsanto does not tell you as much if anything about healthy grass. If it is too dry, it may be better to let grass retain moisture and not cut too regularly. Some of it may be growing quite fast, while patches of brown appear in other areas. 
  2. Did you know clover is a good thing? Weeds can tell you what is going on in the ground. Lots of dandelions may be telling you there is not enough calcium. Which are winning, weeds (what you don't want) or grass (what do you want)?

II. Grow

  1. Watch it grow. Is the grass making it difficult for other things to grow? Perhaps it is not long enough, cutting it too short; or the roots are too shallow; not watering deep enough.
  2. Do you have a compost pile? Compost tea is helpful. It is good soil in liquid form. Compost tea will help reduce thatch as it biodegrades. It makes happy grass.
  3. Have you considered letting the grass go to seed?

III. Cutting

  1. Grass doesn't like to be traumatized, and generally will take a bit of time to rejuvenate after mowing. Depending on how this is done, weeds have more or less of an opportunity to grow.
  2. Reel lawn mowers are good because rotary mowers tend to tear and shred tender blades of grass. Reel mowers are more conservative and clean. Though requiring slightly more work force converting into direct horse power, the indirect benefits are greater. The exhaust from gas mowers is much worse for the environment than even cars. Reel mowers are more peaceful as well.

IV. Relax

  1. Enjoy
  2. Listen

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